Jun 9, 2022 10:50 AM - Jun 9, 2022 12:50 PM, Logan Eickhoff, Firearms, Workshop
The Evofinder® BIS generated 3D images that can be used for sample visualization, virtual comparison, and automatic identification within its database or those to which it has access. Visualization and comparison (Virtual Comparison Microscopy) are integrated functions of the system and allow examiners the ability to compare the digital sample representations, including sample and lighting position/orientation. The automatic identification feature of the Evofinder® allows the user to identify sample features for use by the system for comparison to other samples within the database, including the following:• Breech face impression• Firing pin (striker) impression• Ejector mark• Land engraved area• Groove impression• Slippage marksThis talk will address the following:• Trace types used• Setting search parameterso Identifications of included firearms classeso Filtering samples in data set• One-to-one comparisons• Search resultso Displayed similarity score by trace typeo Expanded searcheso Similarity coefficient in the list of correlations• Histogram• Loading samples for display• X3P compatibility