
westHow to Become a More Supportive and Inclusive Forensic Science Community: Perspectives from Africa

Jun 6, 2024 10:06 AM - Jun 6, 2024 11:06 AM, Vanessa Lynch, General, Section Presentation


Imagine as a brilliant young forensic scientist from an undeveloped region in Africa, you were asked to present at world class International Forensic event. Imagine further that this would be the first time you have attended an international event, let alone presented, and further that this is the first time you have left your country, possibly even the city where you were born. Now imagine the devastation as this ‘dream come true’ crumbles under the weight of the overwhelming financial burden it entails.
In regions with limited resources, even the expense of travelling from the airport to the meeting venue is prohibitive, let alone affording airfare and subsistence at the destination. Advocating for diversity without empowering the individual in this instance would be no more than an empty gesture. It would be better to abstain from presenting such opportunities rather than subjecting individuals to the crushing disappointment of coming so close yet remaining so far from actualisation. An opportunity to present is not just about acknowledgment; it should include practical support in the form of adequate financial aid, necessary resources, and travel assistance. The international forensic science community should contribute more than just recognition to individuals who show potential and drive. Something more substantive is needed. Moreover, scientific diversity cannot be achieved without representation across all societal and scientific strata!
I will present recommendations to help change this prevailing narrative.

The concept presented builds upon an article I authored, which was published at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2023.102997.