
11th Annual Forensic Science Symposium

westCost Comparison of RapidHIT ID System with Conventional Forensic DNA Analysis Using FORESIGHT Metric

Jun 10, 2022 09:40 AM - Jun 10, 2022 10:00 AM, Max Houck, Paul Speaker, Others, Section Presentation


Rapid DNA testing is on the verge of enabling new forensic applications and faster analysis time. The questions that remain are cost of analysis and integration into existing forensic workflows. The Applied Biosystems RapidHIT ID System is a fast and simple-to-use instrument that produces trusted lab-quality forensic DNA profiles in 90 minutes. The system integrates sample preparation and capillary electrophoresis to generate DNA profiles that are aggregated within Applied Biosystems RapidLINK Software for direct upload to the database of choice or for further review and analysis. In 2020, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) approved the Applied Biosystems™ RapidHIT™ ID System for use by accredited forensic DNA laboratories to process DNA reference samples and search resulting profiles against the National DNA Index System (NDIS) database without manual interpretation and review.This presentation provides a cost comparison between conventional forensic DNA analysis and the use of the RapidHIT ID system using standardized metrics from the FORESIGHT Project,, making the results comparable to costs and turnaround times in hundreds of laboratories around the world. Costs and times per case, item of evidence, samples from those items, and tests of those samples, among other metrics, will be prepared.