
11th Annual Forensic Science Symposium

westAn Introduction to the DBLR™ Software for forensic DNA

Jun 7, 2022 02:45 PM - Jun 7, 2022 04:45 PM, Maarten Kruijver, Biological Sciences, Workshop


DBLR (‘database likelihood ratios’) is a program for the evaluation of likelihood ratios involving DNA mixture deconvolutions. Kinship problems can also be handled. Applications of the software include database searching, relationship inference and disaster victim identification.

This workshop will introduce participants to the primary features of DBLR.
The workshop will consist of a general introduction followed by a live demonstration of the software through a series of examples. The workshop will also include an overview of the developmental validation performed as well as discussions on how users might validate DBLRTM within their own laboratories. The content is targeted to case working forensic biologists with an interest in DNA mixture analysis and/or relationship testing.

Through a series of examples, the workshop will cover:
• Database searching of mixture donors
• Evaluating discrimination power of a DNA mixture using Hp and Hd true tests
• Complex pedigree inference
• Clustering ante-mortem samples in a DVI
• Pedigree based database searching to identify persons in a DVI