May 25, 2023 08:30 AM - May 25, 2023 09:15 AM, Craig Schultz, General, Plenary
Authors: Craig Schultz1, Jan Topoleski1, Brian Eckenrode1, Christopher Tipple1, Wynn Warren1, and Mark Rispoli2
1Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2California Narcotics Canine Association
This presentation will explore the beneficial relationships that exist between the industries of science, the legal system, and detection canines and how they overlap to provide a formidable forensic tool in the investigative process. The individual roles of each will be discussed, where they intersect, and how they can work symbiotically to produce results that are defendable in the U.S. court system. How dogs are used in investigations with a forensic mindset will be introduced. Additionally, historical, and recent relevant case law for trailing and human remains detection canines will be reviewed to illustrate how science has supported canine performance and provide practitioners with information to consider as they develop training and assessment regimen for canine programs.